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Growing with Grace

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Hi! My name is Gracie Chavez, I’m 25 years old, and I have 22q11.2 Deletion. Also, I have 5 siblings and I'm the youngest. I’m a dog mom and an aunt. I own a floral business, and I need to mention I'm a Lego lover!

I became an intern because I started a blog and decided to post about my story and share what 22q is. Throughout that first month of sharing my story, the foundation saw how hard I was committed to working for them. I began by being a volunteer with my blog. After that, I got an email from them asking if I would join them by being a team member and being their “Young Adult Support intern”. The goal was to help them get more young adults involved. To be honest that wasn't my goal at all, I just wanted to share awareness and my story. I felt like things were just all falling into place and working according to God's plan. Being an intern is not easy! It means helping the foundation with events, work trips, emails, and just being part of the team. As an intern, I’ve felt that I also need to be a role model to the 22q community. I couldn't be more thankful for this foundation. This foundation has given me amazing opportunities. I couldn't thank the foundation and Lindsey enough.

CLICK below to read more blog posts by Gracie Chavez

Blog 2: Early Childhood

Blog 3: Diagnosis & 22q Community

Blog 4: My Floral Business

Blog 5: My Accomplishments

Blog 6: Family


LOVE the blogs, please keep them going! To see a young adult with 22q finding her way is inspirational for us moms with kids the same age. Reminded me that the ‘traditional path’ is not the ‘perfect path’. Thank you, Grace!


I read your story, and you are amazing and strong! Today we got confirmation that baby Briana does have the 22Q11 deletion. We had found out she has a major heart defect, which she might not make it once delivered. My daughter is 17 years old, with shocking news finding out she was indeed pregnant and now carrying a very sick Lil girl. Next week she meets with the pediatric cardiologist and has her 20 week ultrasound to get additional information regarding other organs and any facial defects. We do know she doesn't have a cleft pallet. It absolutely breaks my heart, and I'm trying to get my daughter to reach out and get support; seeing your blog, I was hoping I could possibly give her some options for support? I know my daughter didn't want to speak with anyone, but maybe if I have someone willing to reach out and try offering support to her? My heart is absolutely broken with what my kiddo is going through. Thank you!

Dear Grace, I was so glad to see your blog tonight. You go girl! I’m very excited to hear about your journey. Never doubt that you are helping many families. Hugs.

What We Do