Lynnox Jo
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This is my sweet 22QT Lynnox Jo! She was diagnosed when I was 33 weeks pregnant and born at 35 and is now 7 months old! She was born with Tetralogy of Fallot with VSD, a calcium and vitamin D deficiency, an anorectal malformation, and damage to her vocal chords.
We see many doctors at SSM Cardinal Glennon in St. Louis, Missouri! They have a great team of surgeons and cardiologists that Lynnox loves!
She’s small but super strong! So small that’s she’s in fact, the size of a 3-4 month old typical baby!
Lynnox also has a group of home therapists that visit every 2 months to evaluate her growth and development!
She is a very happy and smiley girl and never stops surprising us! We’re incredibly proud to call her our 22QT!