Michelle Herm
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Hello my name is Michelle. I am 25 years old. I was born and raised on Long Island New York and moved to Texas after I graduated college. I was diagnosed with 22Q at 3 weeks of age. 22Q partially affected my brain, I am not too good at directions, but I learned how to use tools to help me through it. I just have to see the cardiologist once a year and take blood pressure medication. I’ve accomplished a lot since then. I’ve went through 2 open heart surgeries, had difficulty learning as a child and teenager, but I overcame it. I was able to graduate high school with a regular diploma. And college, I graduated with an associates degree in individual studies and human services at Pennsylvania college of technology next to a 3.0 gpa. I then moved from my small town on Long Island New York to Pennsylvania lived there for about 3 years. A close friend of mine became a boyfriend and we are now living in Texas on our own. I am able to travel, I’ve been to 25 states and 3 countries, Every summer in the past as a young adult I would travel with Habitat for Humanity and build houses and see some neat places. I can drive. I own my own car and pay for my car insurance. I have a good job as a clerk full time with health benefits at a wonderful company. I can type 55 words per minute with it 95 percent accuracy. I also love to fish. Fishing has been a huge part of my life because it gives me a chance to spend time with family. My support system is really wonderful. I had awesome doctors and teachers to help me along the way. My mom and dad taught me to not let 22Q define you, but only to conquer it. One thing I want people to take away from my story is to not let 22Q define you, and be the best you. Having a great support system like I do and did will really benefit and help.