Meet the Weiners
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Lucas is our 14 year old 22qtie. Lucas loves WWE, nascar and his best friend and service dog, Rafael. Rafael goes to school with Lucas every day.
Lucas was born prematurely at 35 weeks after being found to be intrauterine growth restricted. Lucas was born with congenital heart disease as well as crossed eyes and a GU issue. Lucas underwent two surgeries before he was a year old. When Lucas began to miss his milestones and it was noted that his head was very small, 22q was discussed with us, but all initial genetic testing came out negative. Fast forward over a decade, a diagnosis of Autism, anxiety and ADHD it was incidentally found on a medication bioavailability DNA swab that Lucas has a very rare 22q distal deletion syndrome. He is one of only 50 known cases worldwide.
Lucas is an amazing kid. He is always happy and smiling.. he is kind and loving. We hope through our evaluations via CHOPs 22q clinic we can help to learn more about this distal deletion and what it means for our amazing young man.
Michelle Weiner