The Hagan Family
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Shannon was 5 years old when she was diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome/22q. Shannon had 2 very big challenges. She was born with Tetralogy of Fallot, a common congenital heart defect in those with 22q. She also had pneumonia so often that the nurses and doctors knew us well. Since she was born, Shannon has had pneumonia at least 22 times.
Having a child with 22q gives our family a better understanding of patience and endurance. It also brought us closer togehter as a family, and our daughters strongly protect Shannon when needed. We are comfortable knowing that when the time comes, Shannon has a home to go to with one of her sisters who wants to be with her.
Currently, Shannon's greatest challenge is her anxiety. She is on several medications daily, which helps, but isn't always effective. Therapy along with the medication is helpful, but this will be a lifelong struggle.
Shannon has many accomplishments including graduating from high school, which was very difficult for her. But the biggest accomplishment comes naturally to her, and that is the kindness she gives to everyone around her.
There are several things we, as a 22q family, enjoy about being a part of the 22q community, but the most significant is the support we give one another. It helps us to know we aren't alone on this journey. That is what is needed most from the community and this foundation: support for all of the families in need. Additionally, spreading awareness of 22q to everyone is needed.
If you'd like to reach out to Robynn or Shannon, you can do so here:
Facebook: Robynn Hopkins-Hagan & Shannon Hagan Email: