How to Organize a Medical Binder for Your Child
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I plan on doing more posts to help others who are dealing with medical health issues.
Bella sees one of each type of medical specialist. It feels overwhelming trying to remember who is who and what doctor ordered which test and which lab went were and who prescribed the medication if you lost or tossed away the med bottle. My binder always tags along with me to doctor visits and so does my Bella. It comes in handy for grandparents to see, as well as her daddy when they take her to appointments. I am always the one that likes to make sure I'm at each appointment. I'm forever losing all the numbers and appointments I need. I have DiGeorge/22q/VCFS as well. Organization in life is key.
The reason why this was stared was so that we don’t forget to send in those referals and to make sure Bella is seen by which dr and keep track of which dr visit is when we have our calenders synced with each other between hubby and I. It makes it so much easier to keep I even have one for me too. I’ve started taking so many pills throughout the day and have tests ran every few months. my husband needs to have a place to find all that info if something were to happen to me and I have to have help in some way.
I don't know where anything is you say? You can call your doctor's office and ask the nurse to print off a bunch of your visit dates and ask if she can print off any tests ordered. Make a binder for each child. Organize each binder by doctor then dates and times visited and what why they were seen. If you have ssi you’ll be grateful for it because reconsideration for ssi comes up and they ask you that kind of stuff like when was the last visit to this or that doctor; names and address for each doctor. You wouldn’t want to waste time flipping through your phone book. It makes going to appointments easier too, since you can bring along a note book and jot down notes before you leave; as well as after-care instructions.
I sure hope this helps everyone! Check out my blog for pictures of our medical binder.
Born and raised in Toronto Canada, I (30 years old) married my American husband (40 years soon will be 41 in Sept) and we live in Michigan. We have a 6 year old daughter, she and I
share a rare genetic disorder called DiGeorge syndrome also known as VCFS or 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. We are a blended family; I have three step kids who are (19 boy) (16 girl) and (14 boy) *I know gasp*!!! I’m unique not only in missing a chromosome but I’m unique as a blogger because I write product reviews, I write about our life, I write poems and stories, I share my thoughts and make my blog personal. Before being a stay at home mom I used to sell Rogers cell phones, cable and high speed internet in Radio Shack stores in Canada. I have a sales person’s mind set naturally. I was a hair stylist apprentice. I took hair cutting classes at salon jie, salon jente and altered looks. I like making people look and feel great.