Nadia Zomorodian
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My name is Nadia Zomorodian , I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with 22q at age of 2. I have had heart surgery when I was a week old, the same one that was Jimmy Kimmel's son had. I have also had pallet surgery , sinus surgery and ear tubes cleaned out. I was told when I was two that I would not be able to do anything like: graduate from any schools, drive, work and make friends. I am proud to say I graduated from high school with a regular diploma along with an associates degree in photography from Daytona State College. I started driving at age 18 and still use my GPS, because with out it I would get lost . I have two jobs. I work at Payless part time and I do the register. Math is my worst subject and if the register ever went down, then I would be in trouble. I never passed math in school, but I had another computer class that substituted my math, so I was able to get my associates degree. I have my own photography business and I recently started working for Daytona International Speedway as a photographer when ever we have races going on.
>My advice for all the parents is never give up on your kids, because they can do anything if they put their minds to it. If they fail, let them keep on trying.