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After freezing the adoption process when we found out we were pregnant and then losing that little girl we decided it was time to finish the adoption process.
We had our last meeting with the adoption agency on a Monday and received a phone call that Friday saying there was a little girl available for adoption that was already a week old that may have DiGeorge Syndrome.
After losing a little girl just 4 months earlier we were torn about risking possibly losing another child but by that night I had made up my mind and my husband shortly after that decided the same thing. This little girl needed a home — why not ours?
Sonia was 10 days old when we met her. We were told her face was deformed as well as her body. We had no idea what to expect when we walked into her isolation room in the NICU and met our daughter for the first time. She was beautiful-gorgeous-amazing. We didn’t notice the pushed in chin, or the folded over ear. We saw the big eyes and hint of a smile. We were in love. She was in the hospital a total of 18 days before coming home to us for the first time. She had an infection and was on a ton of medicine but since she was our first we didn’t know any different so we just went with it.
Doctors appointments were all the time. She is now 2 and a half and everything they said she couldn’t do she can. She walks, she talks — in her own way for both but she does it. She gets sick a lot but is off of all her calcium meds that she was meant to be on her whole life.
I am so grateful that DiGeorge Syndrome became part of our life through this lovely little girl. There is so much joy in our family now with her. When she’s sick it is hard and we stay strong until we don’t but then we pick ourselves up and start all over again. She is our answer to prayer. Thank you for having this website. If there is anything we can do to bring awareness to this syndrome then please let us know. There’s so much more to our story but I’ll stop here. : )