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On March 24, 2011 I received a call saying, “a 7 week old baby girl just came available for adoption… She has DiGeorge Syndrome.” I was surprised when my husband said “Let’s get her, she needs a home.” The more we found out about her medical condition, the more scared I got. She also has Connexin 26, a gene defect causing her to be deaf (not related to the 22q). She has CHD, Tetrollogy of Fallot and has no plum valve, was on a feeding tube and we were told she has vision issues. On June 6, 2011 Sara Gittel came home to us, from New York to Minneapolis, hooked up to an oxygen tank and a feeding tube. In my heart I knew she was my daughter from the first time I saw her picture, but I was really scared about being able to give her everything she will need. Fast forward almost a year later, no issues with her vision, her hearing loss is only moderate-severe, so with her hearing aides on she can hear all sounds, her feeding tube came out when she was 7 months old. She will need another heart surgery in the future, but it’s about 14 years out. I’m glad I listened to my heart, and not everyone else that thought I was crazy to adopt a special needs child. She brings tears of joy everyday to our lives, we are so proud of her.