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I my name is Philip I have lived most of my life not understanding what was happening to me. I did not find out that I had 22Q until I was 24 years old. Thanks to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta I am here today because of the great people who has help me all these years. See I started in life finding out at two days old I had been born with Truncus Arteriosis and a hole between the chambers of my heart. I have had many problems through the years to include five open heart surgeries for repairs and kidney reflux and now that I have gotton older I have shown signs of mental disorders and have to take even more medications. But my mom says I am the toughest kid and young adult she has ever seen. See I have never complained in the past 32 years, I just keep going and making everyone smile who comes in contact with me. I am always looking for new friends and enjoying my life on my own now that I live in a group home and I am helping take care of me. I almost lost my life in 2010 when I struggled with an valve replacement and made it through with the grace of God you see I have a wonderful purpose in this life I always make you smile. I also struggled in 2010 after my replacement. I had a seziure that I had never had before. I fell and struck my head and ended up in the hospital with a blood clot on my brain. But I am much better now. I love to write music and listen to music of all kind. My dream is to be able to have some studio time to do a little recording. That is my gift from god is my music. And my special ability to make every person I meet love me!!