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Olivia Addison Barnes was born July 26th, 2005 weighing in at 6 lbs. 4 oz. The nurses and Doctors all gushing over her said that she looked like the picture of health. On the second day of our hospital stay all of that changed. They found that she had Truncus Arteriosis. At a later date they called to tell us she also had Digeorge syndrome. She had repair of a VSD and a artificial Conduit at Boston Children’s Hospital on October 12th, 2005. Today she is a thriving and happy little girl who will be facing replacement of her valve as needed through her lifetime. Currently she only has to see a Pediatric Cardiologist and a speech therapist. She is in K-4 and doing Super. She is a bright, and extremely smart little blessing that we are so thankful for. At the end of this year we will be facing a Heart Cath Balloon procedure at UAB in Birmingham, Alabama. If all goes well it could extend the life of her valve for two more years. Any problems will lead to Open Heart Surgery again to replace her valve. It is always great to network with others who also deal with Digeorge syndrome. Thanks for all you do. We will pray that Riley continues to make great strides.