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Mason Westbrook Millsaps D.O.B. 11/5/07 AKA: NooDy – NooDles He was born at 36wks and weighed lbs 13oz and spent 12 days in the NICU @ East Tennessee Children’s Hospital for respiratory distress. NooDy is a joyful, loving little boy who was diagnosed with 22q11.21 (duplication) when he was almost 2 years old. NooDy also has 2 other chromosome anomalies; 18q12.3-18q21.1 deletion & 4q35.1-4q35.2 deletion. Some of the affects from these anomalies include; cerebral palsy, epilepsy, hypatonia, adhd, apraxia, asthma, heart defect, micronathia, sleep apnea, insomnia, global developmental delay, ptosis, complete tracheal rings, hypogammaglobulinemia, spd & pierre robyn sequence. Woooh! That’s a lot to fit in to this little story. Mason has been learning to use his iPad for communication. Because of his severe apraxia he still can’t talk and although he knows well over 100 ASL signs his fine motor skills are at a 18 month old level. The little boy has been through a lot in his little life but everyday smiles and loves everybody. His most favorite thing to do is watch/play baseball! Each spring we go to the Tennessee Smokies and he watches the pitchers and mimics their every move. He also likes to play with his toy cars and everything to do with Elmo. Mason loves to play with his big brother Matt. They have a special bond. Matt blogs and runs a website dedicated to his little brother – Mason has been in pre-school since before he was 3 years old. He is continuing to progress and makes us proud every single day!