MASON 5 years old
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Mason was born in December 2008, a healthy 7 pound baby. He was on track developmentally, but doctors were skeptical with his weight and growth. At two, 2 we noticed that Mason was not as verbal as most kids his age. He would point and grunt. We were referred to a birth to 3 program in our area.
At three years old, Mason was put into public school where he could have social interaction and help with speech, he also was seen by a dentist and we were told he had poor enamel would have to have dental surgery (12 caps and teeth removed.) Later that year, Mason had tubes put in his ears and his feet were looked at because he had balance issues at school. He would sit W style in school and was referred to a OT for his core development.
In December 2013, we took Mason to an audiologist, she referred us to a speech pathologist in Milwaukee at Children's Hospital where is when he was diagnosed with a sub-mucus cleft. We were told maybe a genetic study should be performed.
In January 2014 my husband was offered a new job so we moved to a small town, Ontario, Wisconsin. I got Mason a pediatrician through Gunderson medical and she referred us right away to a genetic doctor in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Mason he was diagnosed with 22Q11.2 deletion syndrome. I was relieved! We finally had answers.
Mason is doing well. He has glasses to correct his strabismus and does not have anything wrong with his heart or kidneys. He does have a low immune level and has a hyper nasal speech; but the speech therapist in the school is working with him.
It has been a long road, but I am so happy that my little Mason is healthy. He loves watching movies, playing video games, and playing outside with his two younger brothers. Mason is very socially active and such a little love bug