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We met our little angel when she was already 6 weeks old. She had already had her first open heart surgery and her birth-mom was sure that she was not going to be able to care for her. We took custody of her and fell in love. We didn’t finalize the adoption until we were sure that we would have help with her medical situation. It took us almost two years. . Madison spent a lot of time in and out of the hospital. After her second open heart she really took off. She began to walk at about 28 months and there was no stopping her after that. Madison is now 5 years old and has her problems but she doesn’t let them get her down. She has surgery scheduled for April. She knows that surgery means some pain will be involved and a stay at the hospital but she continues to look on the positive side. She knows that when the doctor fixes her throat she will no longer need her g-tube. So with a big smile on her face she tells people that once the doctor fixes her throat he is going to take her button out! She is almost looking forward to the hospital! She has such a positive outlook on life. Madison has 4 other siblings. Her oldest brother is 32 with two girls of his own, yes Madison is already an Aunt. Her next brother is disabled and lives at home. He too has a zest for life and just last night graduated from a culinary school. Her big sister is 26 and is a Doctor of Physical Therapy working with children and her sister she learns all kinds of wonderful things from is 7. She is Madison’s best friend and teacher of all things. We are so blessed to have Madison in our lives. Madison amazes us each day with her will to live life to the fullest!