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My little 22q-t is now sweet 16! She was diagnosed at age 4, after many years of "issues". I had a gut instinct telling me that something was not "right", only to be dismissed time and again by the clinicians we saw. UGGGG!!!
However, upon proper diagnosis by a fellow who noted a bifid uvula and sub mucosal cleft at age 4, she went on to obtain proper medical and therapeutical care, including cardiothoracic, palatal, spinal and hand surgeries, 5 years of speech-lang therapy and the like. Currently, she takes medication for anxiety, asthma, and hypoparathyroidisim.
She is an avid reader and a talented writer, with an amazingly creative mind. However, she works twice as hard at her writings than your average teen. And she doesn't give up! She loves make-up, music, her iPhone, hair dye, paranormal activity, and scary movies. Oh, and this girl loves to travel....though, the airport can seem quite overwhelming with sensory processing disorder and generalized anxiety. Regardless, she does it anyway!
In addition to conquering her fears every day and overcoming obstacles and feelings of frustration having this disability, she shines as a proud big sister and an example of strength and endurance to her entire family.