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Laura Nelson is a vibrant young girl with heart for music and animals.
Laura Nelson was born with a nasal regurgitation; her doctor’s said her soft palate had not formed. When it came time for Laura to start talking, she wasn’t. At two years old, Laura was diagnosed with 22q11.2. After her diagnosis, Laura started seeing a speech pathologist that sent her to geneticists. Although Laura’s medical issues have been mild compared to other 22q11.2, she still had difficulties to face. Laura had to have a tube placement in both ears at 9 months, she had a Pharyngeal flap at 2 years and two Tympanoplasty of her left ear at 5 and 8 years old; some learn difficulties and most recently has been diagnosed with thyroid issues. When going to pediatricians Laura’s mother had to explain to many doctors what 22q11.2 is. Finding a pediatrician that understood 22q was very hit and miss for Laura and her family.
According to Laura, growing up in school she loved math and it was her strongest subject and reading fell to the bottom of the list. Now that she is entering college, Laura is beginning to struggle with her strongest subject. No matter what though, Laura is powering through all at Tri-County Technical College.
Laura spends some of her free time with her two loves: animals and music. Her favorite animal is a dog; which she has two, Macy and Merl Hagger. She also has two kittens and one turtle. Currently Laura is taking classes for a vet tech at her college but still makes time for music. She is an amazing pianist and creates her own music. Although she cannot read music she has a natural ability for it and can even repeat many songs on the piano after hearing them a few times! Her passion for music led her to be chosen for a local talent show and inspired her to record four of her own songs at a local recording studio. Laura does claim her long piano fingers do help her some.
Now Laura faces what many 22q patients are facing or will face. Most kids with 22q are followed closely until the age of 18. After the age of 18, there seems to be very little resources available, especially since most 22q clinics are held at children’s hospitals.