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I am 30 years old and was born with the heart condition called tetralogy of fallot. I have had 4 open heart surgeries. my first 2 was to re pair the holes, my 3rd was a valve replacement at the age of 21 and after that i was diagnosed with 22011. A few years later I met my husband, my best friend my hero, a wonderful man that serves in the US NAVY seabees and is a construction electrician. Turning 30 started out with a bang as a had to under go my 4th surgery to replace a pulomary valve again w hat away to start out a marriage. I had a great recovery and Derek my husband deployed shortly after. I enjoy scrapbooking and traveling and also jewlrey making and sewing. I am currently working with a 22q11 specialist in Atlanta where i am from, I mainly need treatment for depression and concentration, other than that my case is extremely mild. Derek and I also have plans to start a family next year. I right now am a stepmom to a 6 yr old son. I also have a 2 yr old boxer named simba and a 2 yr old ragdoll cat named olivia. I had the best child hood ever along with the best parents anyone could ever ask for.