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I was 6 months pregnant when Kasey was diagnosed with DiGeorge Syndrome. Kasey was 2 days old when she had her first heart cath. The doctors found that she a Had an ASD, VSD, interrupted arch and poly cystic kidney. Kasey had her first heart surgery at 10 days old (the longest day of my life) it was a very long and complicated surgery. Kasey was in the hospital for 3 months when she came home she had an IV, 12 meds, feed pump and open chest wound. Very over overwhelming for a first time single mom. Kasey had her 2nd heart surgery at 8 months Dr. Bichelle did a 2 ventricle repair that was in 2008. We are waiting on her next heart surgery her cardiologist told us in April he would see us next year. Yeah! Kasey has some learning disability, speech delay and is Gtube fed but overall doing well. She is in speech, feed, occupational and physical therapy busy schedule for a little girl. This has been an amazing journey Kasey is now 5 she will start kindergarten this coming school year.