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Joseph was born June 24, 2008. Around nine months of age, we began to realize he was delayed in his milestones. We reached out to early intervention for assistance. Through our therapists we were referred to a developmental pediatrician; who referred us to a genetic specialist. After a chromosome resolution blood test, we discovered Joseph had 22q Deletion on May 17. We have since seen a cardiologist, and Joseph has a patent ductus arteriosus. He is scheduled to have a procedure to fix i t Sept 1. Joseph is a sweet, laid back little boy. He loves to look at books, spend time outside, and give “smooches”. His giggle is contagious and warms your heart every time you hear it. Currently, he isn’t talking, but we hope he will soon. Through the help of our wonderful therapists, he has come a long way. We thank God every night for our amazing and charming little boy. We are blessed to be his parents. We are very grateful for Ryan and Jenny Dempster and all the time, money, and effort they are putting forth to bring awareness to 22q and all the children it affects.