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Gabriel joined us on October 17, 2006 , 5 weeks before his due date. As far as we knew everything was fine, he had to be delivered early due to my high blood pressure. Immediately after delivery, he was swept away to the NICU because he was having difficulty breathing. They first diagnosed him with Pierre Robin Syndrome. Doctors told us he was too sick to stay there, he was flown four days later to Children’s Hospital and Clinics Minneapolis. Along with the cleft palate, they noted a VSD, kidney reflux, and low immune system. The doctors then recommended a FISH test and that was when we first heard about Digeorge Syndrome. After the tests came back positive, we were so devastated. Having never heard of Digeorge, we were unsure of what the future held for him. It was definitely a very emotional time in our lives. Gabriel has since undergone a jaw distraction and a palate repair. The VSD and kidney reflux only require a yearly checkup. He currently goes to speech, pt, and ot and is progressing well. His speech is still very delayed but I know that soon enough he will start talking. He’s learned many signs and is able to communicate with us that way. He loves his new preschool and playing with his dogs. When I look at my son now I am just amazed at how much he was overcome. He is now 3 1/2 yrs old and growing everyday! We’re thankful to all his doctors and therapists that have helped and continue to guide us along the way. Thank you Dempster Family for lending your voice to create awareness and support for DiGeorge Syndrome.