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Benjamin was born full term on October 3, 2008. He was a seemingly healthy baby boy and all we knew at the time was that he had hypospadias, an abnormal opening on the tip of his private area. A few weeks before his first birthday, his pediatrician recommended we go see the Genetics Department at the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia because Ben wasn’t gaining weight at the rate he should be and according to his doctor something about him just looked “different” from his older two brothers. About a week before his 1st birthday, we went for bloodwork and got the call the following day telling us that Benjamin had 22q. At first, we were devastated, but then quickly realized this diagnosis just made Ben even more special. Today, Benjaimin is 20 months and is such a happy boy. Although he has a speech delay and some heart issues, he acts like a typical little boy, playing dinosaurs and throwing the ball around with his brothers. His biggest love so far is music. He’ll dance, play drums and strum his daddy’s guitar. Regardless of what may happen in our future, Ben is still an angel sent from God to teach us about patience and unconditional love.