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Alexaly is our 6 year old princess. She was diagnosed at age 2 months when she was born with tracheal stenosis and many other heard conditions. She has undergone four heart surgeries, five tracheoplasties and many other surgeries. Alexaly had a gtube from two months old until four years of age and needed a tracheotomy until just last March. She walks with a walker and does not have much of a voice but she is fighter, always happy and always positive. All of Alexaly’s surgeries were in Puerto Rico. After her heart malformation were corrected we visited CHOP. CHOP decided to take out the tracheotomy. I am so proud of my daughter, she is our life model. Now we live every day with more joy and gratitude. She changed our entire life. We need helping explaining our daughter’s condition in Puerto Rico so thank you for letting us share our story with you.