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22Q At The Zoo

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Event Details

May 17, 2015 (All day)
World Wide!

In 2014 zoos around the world in 100 cities witnessed an extraordinary gathering of 22q families. The 4th Annual 22q at the Zoo / Worldwide Awareness Day took place on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 spanning 6 different continents. An estimated 10,000 participants attended.

This very special event gives families touched by 22q issues a chance to socialize, network and raise the public profile of the common but poorly recognized conditions of the 22q syndrome. In 2014, the international event kicked off at 11am in Sydney, Australia and continued westward around the world.

- See more at: http://22q.org/index.php/education-conferences/zoo#sthash.JPFo2Xmu.dpuf

In 2014 zoos around the world in 100 cities witnessed an extraordinary gathering of 22q families. The 4th Annual 22q at the Zoo / Worldwide Awareness Day took place on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 spanning 6 different continents. An estimated 10,000 participants attended.

This very special event gives families touched by 22q issues a chance to socialize, network and raise the public profile of the common but poorly recognized conditions of the 22q syndrome. In 2014, the international event kicked off at 11am in Sydney, Australia and continued westward around the world.

- See more at: http://22q.org/index.php/education-conferences/zoo#sthash.JPFo2Xmu.dpuf

In 2014 zoos around the world in 100 cities witnessed an extraordinary gathering of 22q families. The 4th Annual 22q at the Zoo / Worldwide Awareness Day took place on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 spanning 6 different continents. An estimated 10,000 participants attended.

This very special event gives families touched by 22q issues a chance to socialize, network and raise the public profile of the common but poorly recognized conditions of the 22q syndrome. In 2014, the international event kicked off at 11am in Sydney, Australia and continued westward around the world.

- See more at: http://22q.org/index.php/education-conferences/zoo#sthash.JPFo2Xmu.dpuf

In 2014 zoos around the world in 100 cities witnessed an extraordinary gathering of 22q families. The 4th Annual 22q at the Zoo / Worldwide Awareness Day took place on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 spanning 6 different continents. An estimated 10,000 participants attended.

This very special event gives families touched by 22q issues a chance to socialize, network and raise the public profile of the common but poorly recognized conditions of the 22q syndrome. In 2014, the international event kicked off at 11am in Sydney, Australia and continued westward around the world.

- See more at: http://22q.org/index.php/education-conferences/zoo#sthash.JPFo2Xmu.dpuf

22Q At The Zoo is a world wide event organized each year by the 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome International Foundation

In 2014 zoos around the world in 100 cities witnessed an extraordinary gathering of 22q families. The 4th Annual 22q at the Zoo / Worldwide Awareness Day took place on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 spanning 6 different continents. An estimated 10,000 participants attended.

This very special event gives families touched by 22q issues a chance to socialize, network and raise the public profile of the common but poorly recognized conditions of the 22q syndrome. In 2014, the international event kicked off at 11am in Sydney, Australia and continued westward around the world.

For more information about the 2015 22Q at the Zoo click HERE

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