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Raising Special -A 22q Mom Blog Post

Guest post by Christine O'Driscoll

As I come to the end of my day, sipping on my last cup of java to push through the last few hours, I catch myself thinking "Where  did the day go?".


Bubble Mode -A 22q Mom Blog Post

Guest post by Proud 22Q Mom
The news lately is a constant, flashing billboard of contagious fear, of contagious illness, of EBOLA.  I watch, incredulous, as the media gets us wrapped up in the banner of lurking disease and impending death.  The ghostbuster suits. The cruise ships locked down.

Shame on Mama!

Guest post by Nicole John

My heart melted this morning. Little Miss was at the table coloring while everyone else was getting ready for church. Yet again she is sick and is having to stay home. She was drawing a really cute picture of people by a tree. Next to them was the word “mom”.  A simple word but a very complex word.


22q & Mutually Benifical Partnerships


Organization: The Dempster Family Foundation

'Transitions' by a 22q Mom

Guest post by Emily Dolton

Man, I've been struggling with this concept of awareness. This is due mostly to a few highly effective friends who have been explaining about their heart defects first hand, or chronicling their journeys as parents daily. Today, Aidan, in his incredible way, hit upon what I need to talk about just by being him. Two days ago I was bragging about how I had all these baby seedlings that I relocated to other parts of our garden to fill things out.



Take a moment to "like" the 22qAwarenessDays page on Facebook.

Early last week we received an email from 22q Mom, Raj Hemus. Raj was seeking help from all 22q/VCFS&DiGeorge organizations, experts and community members. Her idea was to expand upon the inevitable awareness from upcoming 22q At The Zoo events, by coordinating an online effort to drive online awareness of 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome for 22 consecutive days.
