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My son, Landon Blaze was born in September of 2012. He was only 6lbs 10oz. The day we found out he was diagnosed with 22q or DiGeorge Syndrome was on June 23, 2013.That was one of the worst days of my life. He had few problems before than that the doctors say if my first doctor would have looked into the problems we would have found it sooner than we did. The way we found it was he was only nine months old and went into seizures which makes him stop breathing, so we ended up in Atlanta's hospital, Elgeston for a week. During that week his father and I learned a lot, he has 22q, cleft palate, seizures, and low immune system. We are learning new things along the way. It’s been a blast with our little boy. He doesn't act like anything is wrong with him. HE IS AMAZING!!! He is a VERY active boy.

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